TTouch For You

Debby PottsTTouch For You is the TTouch work for animals applied to humans.  TTouch has always been used with people, whether it was for a specific purpose or as a teaching tool to allow people to experience what their animals are feeling.  Linda Tellington-Jones has expanded the work with humans into the application called  “TTouch For You.”  These simple movements are extremely effective for reducing stress, recovering from injury (even if it’s an old one), reducing pain, or just as a unique way to pamper yourself or someone you care about.  Doing TTouch has benefits for the giver as well as the receiver.

Some of the ways TTouch for You is being applied:

  • For healthcare professionals - TTouch can easily be incorporated into the work of medical and dental professionals, physical therapists, acupuncturists and massage therapists.
  • For athletes - TTouch can improve strength, balance and flexibility.
  • For parents and other caregivers - TTouch provides a nurturing form of non-verbal communication that builds trust and enhances relationships.
  • For everyone - TTouch has been used internationally for more than 30 years with significant results.  It is easy to learn and no special equipment or prior experience is necessary.

"Thanks so much, Debby, for your TTouch for You workshop. The workshop setting was very comfortable and your care and attention to each of us made for a great learning environment.  I was surprised and delighted that the pain in my knee disappeared so quickly.  I am still feeling relaxed but energized, and am looking forward to telling my friends about TTouch!" 
-Pam Anderson

"After a TTouch session with Debby, I'm relaxed and invigorated. Tension melts, and my mind clears as she works on me. Afterwards, it feels like every cell in my body is awake and ready to go! And one of the best things about it, is that the results really stay with me."
- Shannon Wilkinson

Debby Potts and TTouch founder, Linda Tellington-JonesTTouch is used successfully for:

  • Fostering a sense of well-being
  • Reducing stress
  • Pain relief
  • Releasing fear and anxiety
  • Improving movement and flexibility
  • Enhancing focus and learning
  • Improved quality of life for seniors
  • Deepening interpersonal relationships
  • And much more

Experience TTouch for yourself in a workshop or private session.  Wear comfortable clothing and prepare to relax and learn how TTouch can improve your life.